Daily Essentials – Everyday Confidence

daily ess

Daily Essentials – Everyday Confidence

Daily Essentials Box packers

Did you know that your friends and neighbors who are on the Texas Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) cannot use those funds to purchase toiletry products such as deodorant, shampoo, and toothpaste? We didn’t know that either until we investigated the situation and decided to start a new program to address this issue in a small and ever-growing manner.

Let us introduce you to “Daily Essentials – Everyday Confidence”! The Houston Junior Forum is supplying toiletry products to senior adults and to women in need of these items. We are delivering our boxes of products on a quarterly basis, partnering with Houston Interfaith Ministries and Heights Interfaith Ministries supporting their Meals on Wheel programs to target senior adults and The Women’s Home to target women. As the program expands, we will be serving additional people and children in the greater Houston area.

The Houston Junior Forum is so very excited about this program. If you would like to donate products to be distributed by Daily Essentials – Everyday Confidence, please visit our Amazon “wish list” at https://a.co/97pzZBc. You can also donate to the program through the Houston Junior Forum website’s donation page, https://houstonjuniorforum.org/donate/